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2025-2033 open contact
Aastani 2025 olevat "nõelasilma" periood. Üleminekuperiood mil tuleb endaga tegeleda, et vibratsiooni tõsta. Samuti toimub muudatus selles kuidas hakatakse meile informatsiooni edastama. Aasta 2023 olevat viimane aasta mil kanaldamise teel meile informatsiooni antakse ja peale seda muutub info edastamise viis.
Millalgi 2025-2033 peaks toimuma esimene kontakt hübriidtsivilisatsioonidega.

Bashar :: Why Are You Here in Physical Reality - Highlights
Bashar - The open contact in year 2023
Bashar: 2025-2033 Procedure for Open Contact

2022-2025 Changes & Open Contact | Arcturian and Pleiadian Message | Te-El
Siin soovitatakse eemaldada ennast sotsiaalmeediast mis on seotud maailma uudistega ja vestlustega mis õhutavad pooli valima ja teisi süüdistama.

The Yahyel. The Shalanaya. Official First Contact with ExtraTerrestrials, Aliens Due Between 2025 and 2033.

NASA Chief: Alien Life Contact Possible By 2025
"During a panel discussion discussing water sources in the universe, Stofan stated that she believes humans could come in contact with the first iterations of extraterrestrial life by the year 2025.
However, these aliens probably won't take the form that many are used to seeing in science fiction. Instead, Stofan says that alien life will more than likely be much, much smaller.
"We are talking about little microbes," Stofan added during the panel discussion."
(06-06-2022, 17:14 )mikan Kirjutas: 2022-2025 Changes & Open Contact | Arcturian and Pleiadian Message | Te-El
Siin soovitatakse eemaldada ennast sotsiaalmeediast mis on seotud maailma uudistega ja vestlustega mis õhutavad pooli valima ja teisi süüdistama.

Hea soovitus ka sulle.
Signs of the Times: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events
Ray Grasse
Hampton Roads Publishing, Apr 1, 2002 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 299 pages

Lk xx
  ... suggested as a time of possible contact in his 2010. It is also worth noting that astrologers like John Major Jenkins have called attention to the fact that December 21, 2012, is not only the enddate for the Mayan calendar, but represents an important astronomical period in terms of Earth's relationship with the larger galaxy. This relates to the fact, due to the phenomenon of precession, the winter solstice is shifting in place against the stars in manner similar to the spring equinox. Around 2012, this will place it into alignment with the plane of the Milky Way itself (Jenkins 1998). Viewed symbolically, this could indicate humanity's interests will be tangibly intersecting at this time with those of the cosmos, perhaps in a way that involves contact with nonhuman intelligences.
  2025-2033: One other possible "window" fo contact hinges around the orbital cycles of Uranus. As we seen, the discovery of Uranus in the eighteenth century synchronistically accompanied the birth of modern aviation and the launching of the first hot-air balloon in France. Some 84 years later, when Uranus returned to the same sign of the Zodiac, hot-air balloon technology was being put to even wider practical applications and Jules Verne published his bestseller "Five Weeks in a Balloon" (1863). Even the concept of space travel was emerging in the popular imagination at this time through Verne's "From the Earth to the Moon" (1865).
  At the next full revolution of Uranus to this point 84 years later (the 194s), not only was rocket technology undergoing a major surge in its development, but this period hosted the century's most famous UFO event, the "Roswell Incident." (The Roswell event took place in early July 1947, precisely as Uranus was returning to its 1781 discovery point.)
  There seems to be a clear thread connecting all of these periods in a way which concerns aviation advances and our progressive defeat of gravity. Extrapolating forward, it's logical to believe that the next swing of Uranus to this same zodiacal point will see further progressions in aviation technology, perhaps even open contact with nonhuman intelligences in the cosmos.
  Uranus will pass through Gemini from 2025 to 2033, making this a  time to watch for significant developments in this field.

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